Zero-Waste Cleaning: From Sunshine to Baking SodaPet cleaning tips for pet owners
As a company that provides a service in your home and where you work, Honest Cleaning and Services extends our philosophy to create zero-waste as part of our promise to you. We pledge to minimize the number of ingredients and the tools required to keep your house clean and eliminate the waste generated by the cleaning process.
We believe your home is not truly clean if our cleaning results in unnecessary waste. Conventional commercial cleaning relies on chemical and paper products, disposable wipes and dusters, and we believe it does not have to be that way.
At HCAS, a zero-waste cleaning routine relies on durable tools that will be washed and reused. We use non-toxic, organic, and natural cleaning products that will not leave unhealthy residues on your surface. When we leave, you do not find a trash can is full of empty, dirty containers and cloths that will ultimately end up in a landfill. We eliminate this!
For your day-to-day cleaning, we have prepared this handy go-to assist in making your home more eco-friendly, non-toxic, and zero-waste.
How To Clean With Zero-Waste Tools
Cotton rags or microfibre cloths are the most logical, economical, and reusable way to make a difference. For your day-to-day cleaning, use old tee shirts, worn bedsheets, and last summers tattered towels. Toss in the laundry afterwards, so they are ready for the next time.
Think about repurposing old items for your cleaning. Old kitchen sponges are great for cleaning bathrooms. When you replace your toothbrush with a new one, you will find that the worn-out one is excellent for cleaning between tiles and tough corners.
Microfibre cloths, clean effectively with no added soap, capturing bacteria and grease.
For your cleaning products, use a couple of glass spray bottles or reusable plastic ones that are thick and good quality. One spray bottle can be filled with vinegar, the other with an organic liquid soap or grated soap flakes mixed with water.
Make Your Own Zero-Waste Cleaners
White vinegar has so many uses! It disinfects, be used as a fabric softener, cleans not only your vegetables but toilets, countertops, floors, and even clears drains when mixed with boiling water. Mixed with baking soda is a powerful cleaning paste.
Baking soda is the real hero in your pantry. Buy it in bulk at a zero-waste depot. It can do almost anything from cleaning and scrubbing, absorbing odours, clearing drains, killing mould (when mixed with white vinegar), shining silverware, and more. Pair with a citrus component – lemon juice – for a fresh smell too.
Castile soap is available at many bulk food stores in reusable containers. Use a few drops and you will see how it goes a long way toward cleaning and leaving your house smelling extra-fresh.
Coconut oil, which can be purchased in bulk in reusable containers, is used to remove upholstery and carpet stains, remove chewing gum (carpet, fabric, hair), and even clean shower scum when paired with a liberal amount of elbow grease!
Finally, never underestimate the two ultimate all-natural zero-waste ingredients – fresh air and sunshine! At HCAS, we recommend to open your windows every day and let the breeze and natural light in to refresh your space without harsh air fresheners and artificial scents.